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1st workshop Innovative and advanced processing for polymers
1st workshop Innovative and advanced processing for polymers Per informazioni rivolgersi a Mr. Jean-Charles MAJESTE
Tel. (+33) (0)

Data: dal 26/01/2017 al 27/01/2017

Sito Web:

University of LYON - dal 26/01/2017 al 27/01/2017

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

This workshop aims to explore the recent innovations in polymer processing and advanced techniques to succeed in producing new materials, complex parts and controlled morphologies. The current tendency is to complexify the design and properties of new polymeric materials which can not be obtained only by simple formulation. Innovative processing is then one way towards advanced materials.
This two days workshop will particularly focus on additive manufacturing, micro-devices and nano-processing, high speed processing and advanced extrusion that enable better control of material structures.
The format of the workshop is designed to foster dialogue and exchange between leading academic scientists and experts from industry, who will give their understanding/perspective in the field of polymer processing.
This workshop is open to engineers and researchers from academia and industry.

Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
Attenzione al momento non sono presenti Abstract e Pubblicazioni inerenti questo evento