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Finite Element Modelling in Chemical engineering and Food Engineering
Finite Element Modelling in Chemical engineering and Food Engineering Per informazioni rivolgersi a Vittorio Romano
Tel. +39089964064

Data: dal 09/10/2003 al 10/10/2003

Sito Web:

Salerno, Italy - dal 09/10/2003 al 10/10/2003

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

The finite element method (FEM) has become familiar to chemical engineers for complex model solving.
FEMo’03 aims to define the state of art of FEM modelling in Food and Chemical Engineering and to provide a platform for researchers to present and discuss recent breakthroughs in this area.
The workshop represents also the chance to awaken operators to mathematical simulation in process industry.

FEMo’03 is organized in three main sessions:

1) divulgate session, introducing FEM to students, researchers and industry operators, held by Prof. Vittorio Romano (University of Salerno – Italy) and Prof. Domenico Acierno (University of
Naples “Federico II” - Italy)

2) plenary session, with two lectures:
Prof. Cristina L. M. Silva (Catholic University of Portugal) will speak on "The role of mathematical modelling in Chemical and Food Engineering studies"
Prof. Brian McKenna (University College Dublin – Ireland) will speak on "FEM frontiers in Food Engineering research"

3) poster session

Evento sponsorizzato da: FEMLAB from COMSOL

Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
Attenzione al momento non sono presenti Abstract e Pubblicazioni inerenti questo evento