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Conference on Process Modelling
Conference on Process Modelling Per informazioni rivolgersi a Dr. Gareth W. Roberts
Tel. 01248 382480

Data: dal 25/03/2002 al 27/03/2002

Sito Web:

Lake Vyrnwy Hotel, Powys, Wales - dal 25/03/2002 al 27/03/2002

Informazioni Generali sull'evento

The conference will commence at 12 noon on Monday March 25th, 2002 and finish at lunchtime on March 27th, 2002.

The two day period gives time for workshop sessions as well as formal lectures. The emphasis will be on the numerical simulation of industrial processes involving non-Newtonian fluids.

Plenary speakers include Prof F P T Baaijens (Eindhoven), Prof D G Baird (Virginia Tech), Prof H A Barnes (Unilever), Prof D V Boger (Melbourne), Prof J de C Christiansen (Aalborg), Dr B Debbaut (Polyflow).

The meeting will be held at the Lake Vyrnwy Hotel, which is situated in a magnificent 24,000 acre country estate near the village of Llanwddyn in Mid-Wales, with spectacular views of Lake Vyrnwy.
The hotel offers excellent accommodation with full conference facilities.

The total cost of £350 includes full board accommodation from Monday lunch to Wednesday breakfast.
An accompanying person, sharing a room with a conference delegate, will be required to pay £115 or £130, depending on whether Tuesday lunch is required.

Organizing Committee
Professor Ken Walters FRS (
Dr G W Roberts (
Professor M F Webster (
Professor T N Phillips (

Evento sponsorizzato da: University of Wales, Institute of Non-newtonian Fluid Mechanics

Elenco Abstract e Pubblicazioni
Attenzione al momento non sono presenti Abstract e Pubblicazioni inerenti questo evento