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The influence of surfactants on the rheological properties of hydrophilic polymers Autori: M. Oblonsek, S. Sostar, R. Schneider
Presentato al: Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Anno: 1999
Volume: 1 - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli
Lingua: English

Natural and synthetic polymers are the essential components of textile printing pastes. These polymers are of great importance for the quality of printing. Several interaction take place between the components of the printing paste among which the addition of surfactants plays the most important role.
Rheology has become a very interesting method in the R&D domain, mostly because it helps to clarify the inner structure of printing pastes and because it supports the optimization of paste recipes and printing paste properties. Rheology is also a powerful tool to measure the physical stability of individual substances and chemicals in a printing paste. In our research the interactions between nonionogeneous surfactants and nonsubstituted and substituted carboxymethylized (DS = 0,4 and 1,1) guar gums will be determined on the basis of viscosity and viscoelasticity in a printing paste.

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