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Firmness quality of dragee almonds Autori: M. Di Matteo, L. Cinquanta, C. Naddeo, M. Poiana, M. Rapacciuoo
Presentato al: Southern Europe Conference on Rheology
Anno: 1999
Volume: 2 - Issue: Unico
Casa Editrice: SIR-Cuen Napoli
Lingua: English

The art of dragee manufacturing has a very long history and tradition. Coated products were first developed by pharmacists who manufactured these noble sweets for wealthy consumers on special occasions and used sweet coatings to mask the unpleasant taste of drugs and medicines.
The development of the first mechanical coating pans in the middle of 19th century made manufacture easier, allowing coated confectionery to be sold on a larger scale (1). The admirable inventiveness and the manual skill of the sugar and pastry bakers resulted in the creation of a highly diversified range of products and led to the development of numerous special production techniques (2). Even today, in the age of automation, coating is considered a particular art.

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