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Il Corso, organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana di Reologia-SIR, é rivolto a tutti coloro che, in qualitá di ricercatori e di tecnici, si occupano di argomenti e problemi riguardanti la reologia, sia in campo industriale, dalla ricerca e sviluppo di processi e prodotti al controllo qualità, sia in campo accademico

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Associazione Italiana di Reologia
Associazione Italiana di Reologia

TOP Times of Polymers

TOP Times of Polymers Ischia (Naples), Italy

Per informazioni rivolgersi a Alberto D'Amore
Tel. +39 030 3715784
E-Mail: damore@bsing.ing.unibs.it

Sito Web: http://fidabs.ing.unibs.it/top/

Informazioni Generali sull'evento
The First Conference on Times of Polymers is organised by several Italian groups that deal with Polymer Science.
The conference provides a forum for scientists and engineers throughout the world interested in the timescales of polymer processing and properties.
As "time" is the driving concept in the whole polymer science community (academic and industrial), TOP includes sessions on various topics and provide opportunities for exchanging ideas and opinions on industry-relevant subjects.
The conference program will be focused on the more recent advances in the following topics:
viscoelasticity, Industrial Rheology, durability of polymer based systems, processing, fracture and yielding. The following scientists have already agreed to present lectures: G. Marrucci (Italy), J. Mijovic (USA), G. Papanicolaou (Greece), A. D'Amore (Italy), I. Partridge (UK), D. Acierno (Italy)

Evento sponsorizzato da: Nessuno Sponsor

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Elenco Abstact dell'evento
Icona Feccia A Fiber Optic Sensor to enhance Polymer Industrial Manufacturing Process Quality
A.M.Calabrò, A.Cusano, M.Giordano
Icona Feccia An approach to the modelling of structural relaxation-induced stresses in amorphous polymers
Alberto D’Amore, Gennaro Carbonini, Livio Loschiavo
Icona Feccia Analysis of Residual Stresses in Thermoset Composites
V.Antonucci, R.Carrieri, M.Giordano, L.Nicolais
Icona Feccia Atomistic Modelling of the Mechanical Properties of Amorphous Polymers
A. Fortunelli, A. Lazzeri
Icona Feccia Biodegradation of Polymers: Kinetic Aspects
Klara Z. Gumagalieva, Guennadi E. Zaikov
Icona Feccia Block Copolymers as Compatibilizers in Nylon6/polycarbonate Blends
D. Chionna, F. Samperi, C. Pugliesi, G. Montando, A. Turturro
Icona Feccia Controlling tire performances through compound viscoelastic properties
A. Priori
Icona Feccia Current Uses of Composites in F1 Racing Cars
Icona Feccia Degradation and Stabilization of PVC. New Frontiers
Guennadi E. Zaikov, Karl S. Minsker
Icona Feccia Degree of crosslinking and microporosity to modulate superabsorbent macromolecular hydrogel swelling
A. Sannino, F. Lionetto, G. Mensitieri, P.A. Netti, A. Maffezzoli, L. Nicolais
Icona Feccia Dielectric Analysis of Chemically, Thermally and Mechanically Induced Glass Transition
G.Gallone, S.Capaccioli, S.Corezzi, G.Levita, P.A.Rolla
Icona Feccia Dielectric Spectroscopy as a non-Destuctive Inspection (NDI) tool to Asses Aging of Adhesively Bonded Structures
J. Mijovic and H. Zhang
Icona Feccia Effect of matrix molecular weight on the viscoelastic behavior of copolyamide nanocomposite systems
L. Incarnato, L. Di Maio, G.M. Russo, P. Scarfato, D. Acierno
Icona Feccia Effect of water uptake on the visco-elastic properties of self cured PMMA
R. De Santis, F. Mollica, L. Ambrosio, D. Ronca, L. Nicolais
Icona Feccia Energy absorbing of blends of polyolefin foams under compressive loading
F. Iannace, S. Iannace, C. Sellitto
Icona Feccia Experiments of Shear Flow-Induced Crystallisation from the Melt of Polyolefins
L. Bove, M.R. Nobile
Icona Feccia Fatigue degradation of elastic modulus in filled polymers for household applications
A.Leone, G. Caprino
Icona Feccia Fracture properties of oxidized polypropylene by EWF method
B. Fayolle, L. Audouin, J. Verdu
Icona Feccia High electrically stable Polymeric thermo-electric switches
G. Carotenuto, E. Amendola, L. Nicolais
Icona Feccia Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on the Volumetric State of an Amorphous Polymer
F. Briatico-Vangosa, A. Pavan, M. Rink
Icona Feccia Influence of pre-shearing upon extensional rheometry
J. Cruz-Mena, F. Calderas, E. Soto & B.Mena
Icona Feccia Interaction between structure and transport properties of model polymers
G. Mensitieri, S.Cotugno, P. Musto
Icona Feccia Interfacial Stress and Strain Fields in Particulate Composites by Means of the Concept of Hybrid Interphase
G.C. Papanicolaou, ?.?. Anifantis
Icona Feccia Material State Mapping in Curing Thermosets
I.K. Partridge
Icona Feccia Mechanical and Fracture Behaviour of Tetrafunctional Epoxy Resins Containing Fluorinated Rubbers
G. Ragosta, P. Musto, M. Abbate, G. Scarinzi, Senlin Zheng, L. Mascia
Icona Feccia Mechanical Characterization of PP-EPDM Blends
A.Basile, G. Carbonini, A. D’Amore, D. Acierno
Icona Feccia Mechanical Properties of polypropylene Matrix Composites Reinforced with Natural Fibers: a statistical approach
J. Biagiotti, L. Torre, JM. Kenny
Icona Feccia Metastability from Continuous Cooling Transformation of Crystallizable Polymers
Stefano Piccarolo
Icona Feccia Modelling of Thermo-Viscoelastic Properties of a Toughned Aeronautical Thermosetting Resin
M Zarrelli, A. D’Amore, I.K Partridge
Icona Feccia Morpohology and Properties of Isotactic Polypropylene modified with Hydrocarbon Resin
S. Cimmino, G. della Vecchia, G. Loeber, C. Silvestre
Icona Feccia New (Heterogeneous-Heterophase) Model of Oxidation of Carbochain Polimers
Yu.A. Mikheev, G.E. Zaikov
Icona Feccia On the definition of the optimal geometry for subway cylinders in composite materials
A. De Iorio, F. Penta, G.P. Pucillo, A. Apicella
Icona Feccia Phase Diagram of the Aqueous Poly(propilene oxide)-Poly(ethylene Oxide)-Poly(propilene oxide) Triblock Copolymer System
G. Mangiapia, L. Pianese, O. Ortona, L. Padano, N. Grizzuti G.D. D’Errico, R. Sartorio
Icona Feccia Physical and Chemical Encapsulation of Particles: a tool for Development of Innovative Technologies and Related New Materials
M. Narkis
Icona Feccia Poly(L-lactide)/organoclay nanocomposites by melt Mixing and Their Thermal, Rheological Properties
Yingwei Di, Salvatore Iannace, Ernesto Di Maio, Luigi Nicolais
Icona Feccia Polyimide-Silica Nanocomposites: Molecular Structure, Morphology and Ultimate Properties
P. Musto, G. Ragosta, G. Scarinzi, L. Mascia
Icona Feccia Prediction of the Response of Entangled Polymeric Liquids to Step-Strain Deformations
F. Greco
Icona Feccia Real Time Monitoring of Isothermal Crystallization of PVDF : From Dielecric Measurements to Rheological Behavior
J.M. Gonnet, Y. Masabuchi, J-I.Takimoto, K. Koyama
Icona Feccia Real-Time Crystallinity Evolution Measurements During Polypropylene Fast Cooling Runs
F. De Santis, G. Lamberti, V. Brucato, G. Titomanlio
Icona Feccia Recognition of the syndiotactic polypropylene polymorphs via dynamic-mechanical analysis
L. Guadagno, C. D’Aniello, G. Gorrasi, C. Naddeo, V. Vittoria
Icona Feccia Relations Between Crystallization and Relaxation Times in the Flow Induced Crystallization of Thermoplastic Polymers
Stefano Acierno, Salvatore Coppola, Nino Grizzuti
Icona Feccia Relaxation times in fast flow processes
G. Marrucci, G. Ianniruberto
Icona Feccia Rheological and Mechanical Properties of a Liquid Crystalline Polyurethane
D. Acierno, E. Amendola, C. Carfagna, S. Concilio, P.Iannelli, L. Incarnato, P. Scarfato
Icona Feccia Rheology Behavior of Short Fiber Length BMC/SMC Compound
M. Valente
Icona Feccia Rheology of Adhesives for Automotive Industry
V. Ambrogi, C. Carfagna, D. Acierno, M. Frigione, A. Maffezzoli, M. Calò, G. Malucelli
Icona Feccia Rheology of PBT-Layered Silicate Nanocomposites
L. Scatteia, D. Acierno
Icona Feccia Rheology of thermoreversible polymer gel electrolytes LiClO4 / ethylenecarbonate / poly(acrylonitrile
L. Coppola, R. Gianferri, I. Nicotera, C. Oliviero, G. Ranieri
Icona Feccia Some Applications of Fiber Reinforcements on NRT Masonry Models
A. Baratta, O. Corbi
Icona Feccia Stabilization mechanisms and rheological behaviour of polymer latexes produced via emulsion polymerisation
S. Carrà, G. Manganelli, L. Cirillo, P. Netti
Icona Feccia Strain Recovery Kinetics in Rubber Toughened Polymethylmethacrylate
Claudia Marano, Marta Rink
Icona Feccia Strategy for Lifetime Prediction of Organic Matrix Composite Materials Subjected to isothermal ageing in air
X. Colin, L. Audouin, J. Verdu
Icona Feccia Sustainable Development Pressure and Polymer Evolution
A. Apicella, R. Aversa
Icona Feccia Synthesis and Characterization of PCL based nanocomposites with silica
F. Bondioli, A.M. Ferrari, B. Focher, M. Avella, M.E. Errico, M. Malinconico
Icona Feccia Temperature Modulated DSC of Polymer Melting: Can Fourier Analysis Provide a Quantitative Separation of the Reversing and Total Heat Capacities?
Maria Laura Di Lorenzo, Bernhard Wunderlich
Icona Feccia The Effect of Reheating Rate on Structural Relaxation in an Amorphous Model Polymer
M. Giordano, M. Russo, A. Cusano, L. Nicolais
Icona Feccia The Effect of the CTBN Rubber Modified Epoxy Resins on the Thermo-Kinetic Parameters of the Pultrusion Process
L. Calabrese, N. Valenza
Icona Feccia The elaboration and thermal Degradation of Some new Biopolymers with Collagen
Ioana Demetrescu, Horia Iovu, Ingrid Ionescu Bujor, Gratiela Zgirian
Icona Feccia The Role of Polymeric Phase on the Toughening of MDF (Macro Defect Free) Cements
A. D’Amore, I. Nedi, G. Carbonini
Icona Feccia The Time Scale in the Foaming Process of Thermoplastic Polymers
E.Di Maio, S.Iannace, G.Mensitieri, L.Nicolais
Icona Feccia Thermal and Morphological Analysis of Poly(ethylene Terephthalate) Filled with Calcium Carbonate Nanoparticles
M.L. Di Lorenzo, M.E. Errico, M. Ave
Icona Feccia Thermall Activated Crosslinking of Main Chain Crystralline Polymers Containing the Azo-Groups
D. Acierno, E. Amendola, C. Carfagna, S. Concilio, P. Iannelli
Icona Feccia Time Scale of Normal and Segmental Mode Dynamics of Polymers and Polymer Network by Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy (DRS) and Dynamic Mechanical Spectroscopy (DMS)
Jovan Mijovic, Mingyun Sun and Yuefeng Han
Icona Feccia Time-Carbonyl Groups Equivalence in the Photooxidative Ageing of Virgin/Recycled Polymer Blends
F.P. La Mantia, N. Tzankova Dintcheva
Icona Feccia Transien Biaxial measurements of Polyethylenes with Different Structure
A. Valenza, G. Di Bella, A. Acierno
Icona Feccia Viscoelasticity-Properties Relationships of Pressure Sensitive Adhesives (PSA)
A.Basile, A. D’Amore, F. Greco, A. Mader, S. Carrà

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