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3rd International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology

3rd International Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Rheology Patras, Greece

Per informazioni rivolgersi a Professor John Tsamopoulos
E-Mail: tsamo@chemeng.upatras.gr

Sito Web: http://esperia.iesl.forth.gr/~hsr/Hsr2001.htm

Informazioni Generali sull'evento
The Conference was a special one, since it was dedicated to Professor Andreas Acrivos, one of the most influential chemical engineers of the last 50 years, on the occasion of his retirement from the City College of the City University of New York, where he held the A. Einstein Chair at the Levich Institute.

Professor Acrivos' research interests lie in the general areas of Applied Mathematics, Newtonian and non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, Transport Phenomena and, currently, in the rheology of concentrated suspensions and the study of the effective properties of two-phase materials.

He has published more than 180 papers in well-reputed journals, and has graduated a large number of Ph.D. students who, in their majority, have become leading scientists and engineers.

His academic family includes more than 400 members.

He has received a number of distinguished awards, which include election to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.S. Academy of Arts and Sciences.

The meeting was attended by over 100 participants, out of which 30 were former students of Professor Acrivos or members of his academic family.

They had been invited by the HSR and participated in the Conference with invited talks.

The program included also plenary lectures, oral presentations and a poster session, on topics which covered all areas of the general theme of Rheology: Polymer melts and solutions, colloids and suspensions, molecular modeling and simulations, and experimental, theoretical, and computational fluid dynamics.

A complete list of participants, as well as the final program of the Conference is posted.

The Abstracts of the presentations given in the Conference were compiled in a Book, which is also posted. Extended versions of some of the papers presented in the Conference have been submitted for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics (JNNFM), which is expected to appear within the year.

The Organizing and Scientific Committees of the Conference are grateful to Professor Ken Walters, editor of JNNFM, for providing this opportunity in honor of Professor Acrivos. In addition to the Scientific Program, the Social Program was also interesting.

This included a tour to the Archaeological Site of Olympia, a reception by the ICE/HT-FORTH Director and Researchers followed by dinner, and the Formal Conference Dinner on June 13th, where HSR and Professor Acrivos celebrated his birthday.

During the Conference, commemorative plaques were awarded to Professor Acrivos by the Vice Rector of the University of Patras (Professor C. Vayenas) and the Director of ICE/HT-FORTH (Professor A. Payatakes).

Evento sponsorizzato da: Institute of Chemical Engineering and High Temperature Chemical Processes

Icona ZIP 

Elenco Abstact dell'evento
Icona Feccia A generic formulation of two-phase flow
M. Hütter, H.C. Öttinger
Icona Feccia A simple constitutive equation for entangled polymers incorporating CCR and chain stretching
G. Ianniruberto, G. Marrucci
Icona Feccia A suspension model for polymer solidification rheology
R.I. Tanner
Icona Feccia A temporal nonlinear stability analysis of viscoelastic channel flows
K. Atalik, R. Keunings
Icona Feccia Analytic solution for the analysis of flow in an elastic artery
F. Iachachene, S. Benhadid
Icona Feccia Analyzing Acrivos’ experiments with finite elements
D.P. Pazis, N.A. Malamataris
Icona Feccia Behavior of a free jet formed from an emulsion of two Newtonian fluids
K. Sarkar, W.R. Schowalter
Icona Feccia Block copolymers as emulsifiers in homopolymer blends: effects of additive MW, architecture, and composition
S. H. Anastasiadis, H. Retsos
Icona Feccia Capsule motion in flow: role of membrane rheology
D. Barthès-Biesel, A. Diaz
Icona Feccia Chain conformations and forces in physisorbed layers of homopolymer colloid stabilizers: Comparison between Monte Carlo and mean field predictions
J. de Joannis, J. Jimenez, R. Rajagopalan, J. Thomatos, I.A. Bitsanis
Icona Feccia Combining NMR and classical rheometry to evaluate the viscoelastic properties of main-chain nematic LC polymers
A. Véron, A.F. Martins
Icona Feccia Computational studies of the dynamics of liquid crystalline polymer in shear flows
L. Gary Leal, G. Sgalari, J.J. Feng
Icona Feccia Convergence of a regularization method for flow of a Bingham material past a sphere
B.T. Liu, S. J. Muller, M.M. Denn
Icona Feccia Determination of the rheological properties of microcapsules
M. Carin, C. Postel, M. Rachik, D.Barthès-Biesel
Icona Feccia Double reptation predictions of the linear viscoelasticity of melt miscible polymer blends
J.A. Pathak, R. Kant, S.K. Kumar, R.H. Colby
Icona Feccia Dynamic simulations of emulsion rheology
R.H. Davis, Y. Wu, A.Z. Zinchenko
Icona Feccia Dynamical process of polyelectrolyte gel swelling - Swelling controlled solute release
E.C. Achilleos, K.N. Christodoulou, I.G. Kevrekidis
Icona Feccia Dynamics of deformable surfactant-covered drops
P. Vlahovska, J. Blawzdziewicz, M. Loewenberg
Icona Feccia Effects of turbulent motion on breakdown processes of natural fibers
P. Perona, S. Sordo
Icona Feccia Electrokinetically enhanced flow of coal-water suspensions in pipes
P.K. Rozakeas, R.J. Snow
Icona Feccia Elongational rheology of branched polypropylene
A.D. Gotsis
Icona Feccia Flow of dilute suspensions in capillary networks
W.L. Olbricht, B.W. Roberts
Icona Feccia Fluid flow and heat transfer during liquid encapsulated Czochralski crystal growth of III-V compound semiconductors
A. Harkati, M. Drir, D. Ouadjaout, R. Younsi
Icona Feccia Fluid Mechanics and Rheology Research Opportunities in Pharmaceutical R&D Technologies
S. Kim
Icona Feccia Friction and dynamics of entangled polymer liquids
L.A. Archer
Icona Feccia Gelation phenomena in soft colloidal spheres
E. Stiakakis, D. Vlassopoulos, G. Fytas, A. Rissanou, I.A. Bitsanis
Icona Feccia High frequency dynamical viscometry on confined emulsions
A. Romoscanu, M.B. Sayir, K. Häusler, I. Roberts
Icona Feccia Influence of macromolecular associations on the dilute properties of a clay suspension
T. Aubry, F. Bossard, M. Moan
Icona Feccia Linear stability analysis of thin leaky dielectric films subjected to electric fields
Leonard F. Pease III, W.B. Russel
Icona Feccia Low Reynolds number turbulent channel flow
D. Jankovic, A.N. Beris, R. Keunings, G.S. Winckelmans
Icona Feccia Material instability and stress localization
J.D. Goddard
Icona Feccia Mechanical properties and behavior of capsules in 3d flows
E. Lac, N.A. Pelekasis, J.A. Tsamopoulos, D. Barthès-Biesel
Icona Feccia Mechanism of reversible shear thickening in colloidal dispersions
N.J. Wagner
Icona Feccia Microemulsions of ABA amphiphilic block copolymers and surfactants
L. Braun-Shmueli, O. Netanel, O. Regev, M. Gottlieb
Icona Feccia Mixing of a passive scalar near a free surface
G.S. Triantafyllou, L. Shen, D.K.P. Yue
Icona Feccia Modeling of viscoplastic lid-driven cavity flow using finite element simulations
E. Mitsoulis, M. Beaulne, D. Kammer, A. Zissis
Icona Feccia Modeling of viscous effects in blade coating flows
E. Mitsoulis, G. Athanasopoulos
Icona Feccia Modeling shear induced particle migration
L. Mondy, R. Rao, R. Lagasse, M. Hopkins, S. Altobelli, M. Ingber, A. Mammoli, D. Fang
Icona Feccia Modeling the influence of mix proportions on correlation between destruction pace and thixotropy of suspensions
T. Lyashenko, V. Voznesensky, Y. Ivanov
Icona Feccia Models for flow of non-Newtonian fluids through porous media
J.R.A. Pearson
Icona Feccia MORNOS: A leading Greek plastics packaging company
D. Giannakidis
Icona Feccia Multi-scale thermoplastic foam rheology modeling
J. den Doelder
Icona Feccia Nonlinear dynamics of dilute polymer solutions
C. M. Chiujdea
Icona Feccia Non-Newtonian behavior flow through arterial stenosis
L. Achab, S. Benhadid
Icona Feccia Non-Newtonian rheology of entangled polymer solutions and melts
C. Tsenoglou
Icona Feccia Numerical simulation of blood flow through stenotic artery
L. Achab, S. Benhadid
Icona Feccia Numerical simulation of heat and mass transfer in trapezoidal porous cavity
R. Younsi, A. Harkati, D. Kalache
Icona Feccia Numerical simulation of the planar contraction flow of the Oldroyd-B fluid
L. Saudi, N. Zeraibi
Icona Feccia Numerical simulations of generalized Newtonian flows involving two free surfaces
G. Georgiou, P. Lemenn, A. Alexandrou
Icona Feccia Particle migration and segregation in suspension flows undergoing shear
A. Acrivos
Icona Feccia Particle sintering and melt densification in rotational molding
J. Vlachopoulos, C. Bellehumeur, M. Kontopoulou
Icona Feccia Polymer brushes under strong shear flow in a good solvent
C. Toprakcioglu, D. Anastassopoulos, A. Vradis, A. Papayianopoulos, S. Baker, A. Menelle
Icona Feccia Prediction of the rheological properties of long polyethylene melts via atomistic molecular dynamics simulations
V.A. Harmandaris, V.G. Mavrantzas, D.N. Theodorou
Icona Feccia Pure shear or planar extension, which name is misleading?
C.J.S. Petrie
Icona Feccia Quantitative theory for linear rheology of linear entangled polymers
A.E. Likhtman, T.C.B. McLeish
Icona Feccia Relaxational mechanisms in hyperstar melts
D. Vlassopoulos, T. Pakula
Icona Feccia Rheological properties of heterotelechelic polyelectrolytes in aqueous media
I. Katsambas, C. Tsitsilianis
Icona Feccia Rheology in two dimensions
G.G. Fuller
Icona Feccia Rheology of dendrimers and their hybrid copolymers with linear polymers
M.E. Mackay, M. Jeong, R. Vestberg, C.J. Hawker
Icona Feccia Rheology of dense lignite-water suspensions; preshearing and transition stresses
T.B. Goudoulas, E.G. Kastrinakis, S.G. Nychas
Icona Feccia Rheology of polytetrafluoroethylene in paste extrusion
A.B. Ariawan, S.G. Hatzikiriakos
Icona Feccia Rheo-optical experiments and modeling of entangled polymer solutions: Steady and transient flows
J. P. Oberhauser, L.Gary Leal
Icona Feccia Second normal stress jump instability in non-Newtonian fluids
J.F. Brady, I. Carpen
Icona Feccia Shear-induced anisotropy in suspensions of spheres: causes and consequences
F.A. Gadala-Maria
Icona Feccia Shear-induced corrugation of free interfaces in concentrated suspensions
T. Loimer, A. Nir, R. Semiat
Icona Feccia Slow flows of a non-Newtonian drop in a non-Newtonian fluid
F. Greco
Icona Feccia Solitary wave dynamics of Newtonian film flows: Experiment and simulation
M. Vlachogiannis, N. Malamataris, V. Bontozoglou
Icona Feccia Static and dynamic filtration properties of polymers in water-based drilling muds
N. Kherfellah, K. Bekkour, S. Hamza, M. Khodja, S. Benhadid
Icona Feccia Static yield stress measurements of suspensions
D. De Kee, L. Zhu, K. Papadopoulos
Icona Feccia Steady-state fully-developed two-phase flow in porous media: Mechanistic model and a conjectur concerning the underline principle
M. S. Valavanides, A.C. Payatakes
Icona Feccia Stratified boundary layer flow of a gas stream and a liquid film past solid surfaces
N.A. Pelekasis, D.N. Smyrnaios, J.A. Tsamopoulos
Icona Feccia Stress-induced migration effects on the Taylor-Couette flow of a dilute polymer solution
M.V. Apostolakis, V.G. Mavrantzas, A.N. Beris
Icona Feccia Telechelic polyelectrolytes: New developments in the rheology of aqueous formulations
C. Tsitsilianis
Icona Feccia Temperature and shear induced thickening properties of aqueous solutions of n-isopropylacrylamide-based polymers
G. Bokias, Y. Mylonas, G. Staikos, D. Hourdet, I. Iliopoulos, G.G. Bumbu, C. Vasile
Icona Feccia The behavior of electrorheological fluids in torsional flow
B. Abu-Jdayil, P.O. Brunn
Icona Feccia The effects of pressure and temperature on the wall slip phenomenon of drilling muds
K. Sadeghy, S. Salimi, M. Khairandish
Icona Feccia The influence of complex rheological properties on mixing
L. Slemenik, A. Zupancic, M. Žumer
Icona Feccia The influence of walls on particle migration in suspensions
W. Lin, A. Kaiser, A.L. Graham, M.S. Ingber
Icona Feccia Theoretical and experimental investigation of non-linear viscoelastic and viscoplastic response of amorphous polymers
E. Kontou, G. Spathis
Icona Feccia Three-lobed shape formation of captive ferrofluid drops
A.G. Papathanasiou, A.G. Boudouvis
Icona Feccia Two-dimensional FEM creep analysis of orthodontic tooth movement
C. G. Provatidis
Icona Feccia Two-dimensional model of phase segregation in liquid binary mixtures with an initial concentration gradient
R. Mauri
Icona Feccia Two-phase flow in an undulating tube: Transitions from stratified to discontinuous flow of one of the fluids
Ch. Kouris, J.A. Tsamopoulos
Icona Feccia Variational inequalities in viscoplastic fluids – Theory & applications
R.R. Huilgol
Icona Feccia Viscoelastic contraction flows: Comparison of axisymmetric and planar configurations
S. Nigen, K. Walters
Icona Feccia Viscoelastic flow behavior of a side-chain nematic LC polyacrylate
L. Hilliou, A.G. Feio, A.F. Martins, D. Collin, P. Martinoty
Icona Feccia Viscoelastic modeling of micro-injection moulding
C. Jeggy, F. Dupret
Icona Feccia Viscoelasticity and network structure of water-based polysaccharide systems
A. Zupancic, U. Florjancic, M. Žumer
Icona Feccia Viscometrical behavior of systems with dermathologic and cosmetic applications
M. Barracó-Serra
Icona Feccia Viscoplastic Boundary Layers
J-M. Piau

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