Eupoc 2007 - Europolymer Conference 2007
Gargnano, Lake Garda, Italy
Per informazioni rivolgersi a Miss Maria G. Viola
Tel. Fax +39-050-28438
E-Mail: mgv@dcci.unipi.it
Sito Web: http://www.dcci.unipi.it/eupoc2007/
Informazioni Generali sull'evento
This EUPOC conference will bring together experts in a selected group of topics that encompass novel complex macromolecular architectures, rheology and process modeling. The goal is to provide a broader context of scientific exchange along the themes of complex molecular assemblies, multiphase polymer systems, composite and nanocomposite materials, reactive systems, numerical simulation of flow behavior in polymer processing. Presentations will examine common issues from macromolecular structure to process modeling through rheology and morphological control. In particular, the role of detailed macromolecular architectures, multiphase systems including surfaces and interfaces, fillers and nanofillers as well as reactive systems on the rheological behavior to the various aspects of process modeling will be explored